Pain and Help during Pregnancy

Being pregnant is a special time in anticipation of welcoming a new little person to the world. However sometimes the physical realities of being pregnant create pain or problems in expecting mums, and particularly as the bump gets bigger.

The most common types of issues we see are:

  • Lower back pain and sciatica

  • Sacroiliac pain and hip pain

  • Coccyx and tailbone pain

  • Symphysis pubis pain

  • Round ligament pain

  • Neck and shoulder pain from changes in posture

Your chiropractor can help with all of these issues, while helping your body to adapt comfortably and optimally throughout pregnancy.

At GB Chiropractic, our chiropractors are ICPA-trained in pregnancy chiropractic and perinatal care, and all of our chiropractors are trained in Webster Technique.

For more information, take a look at our page for Pregnant and New Mums under Who We Help.

In addition, we work closely with midwives and doulas to help their clients stay pain-free throughout pregnancy, while also focusing on the health and wellbeing of expecting mothers so they can have a smooth, comfortable, and stress-free pregnancy whenever possible.

Many pregnant women have a midwife and chiropractor as part of their perinatal team, to help with the journey through pregnancy, to nurture the health and wellbeing of both mum and baby, and to set the stage for the best possible delivery.