Back Pain, Neck Pain, & Spinal Issues
Chiropractors are experts in back and neck pain, as well as most spinal issues and pelvic problems that a person may encounter.
Whether it is a disc injury, inflamed joint, spasmed muscle, sciatica or pinched nerve, know that your chiropractor is expertly trained to diagnose these problems and can offer effective treatment to help you recover and get back on track.
Chiropractic can also help with bulging discs, degenerative changes, wear and tear, and arthritis.
Undoubtedly, back and neck pain are the two most common problems we see. As much as we are specialists in this area, this is mainly due to the fact that back and neck pain - and just about all spinal disorders - are so incredibly common these days.
While traumatic and sports injuries account for a few cases, the majority of back and neck pain is caused by postural and functional issues of the spine. It is the jobs we work, the hours we sit, the routines we keep, and the habits we repeat, not to mention our daily exposure to various stressors that impact us - all of which can steer us towards an injury, pain, episode, or breakdown. We also now live in a time when desk-based jobs are the norm and where cumulative screen time from computers, tablets, mobile phones, TV, gaming, etc, is simply excessive.
Regardless of your particular problem or its cause, your chiropractor will be able to offer effective treatment solutions to help you recover.
On your First Visit to GB Chiropractic, your chiropractor will assess your pain, identify the cause, and will explain how chiropractic treatment can help to improve or resolve the issue. In some cases, x-rays may be needed, in which case they can usually be done on the same day at our clinic. However, for many, imaging will not be needed and we can commence chiropractic treatment straight away.
Chiropractic adjustments can provide quick and immediate relief from back and neck pain.
Beyond pain relief, your chiropractor will help you to understand and take the necessary steps to resolve the underlying problem. This is important to ensuring you achieve a full recovery, avoid recurrence, and prevent any long-term complications.
Call today or book an appointment to see how we can help.